If you want to rotate a specific line or row, just flick the line or row.
If you want to the whole cube, flick empty space in the back of the cube.
If you want to rotate a specific line or row, click different two points quickly on the line or row.
If you want to the whole cube, click different two points quickly in the back of the cube.
Basic functions
You can get the cube completed by "Reset" button.
"Start" button will shuffle the cube, then will start the timer after you tap (or click) the cube. If you complete the cube after the timer started, you can see time you spent to complete.
If you push "Stop" button when the timer is running, the timer will stop. The timer will also stop when you close the browser. Stopped timer won't be resumed.
If you push "Suspend" button when the timer is running, you can suspend the timer. "Resume" button will resume the suspended timer. You can close the browser or change cube size while the timer is suspended because the suspended timer and the cube's state are automatically saved.
The timer is up to 999h 59m 59.999s.
Settings and records
You can open settings and record panel by "Settings" button.
You can change cube size by "Cube size" select box.
You can change cube's color by "Cube color" select box. The position of blue and yellow in Japanese color is changed from Global color.
If you complete the cube after you start the timer, your fastest record will automatically saved by cube sizes.
If you tap (or click) each record, you can delete the record.
"Help" button will show this page.
"Delete saved states..." button will clear all cube's stats and make them completed.
"Delete all saved data..." button will clear not only all cube's states but also all records and settings.
"Clear offline cache..." button will clear cache data for offline use. After you cleared the cache, you won't be able to open this page in offline until the cache is created in online. Please use this button when you want to update this app.
Install as an app
This site follows Progressive Web Apps. Please intall it if you like it. (I recommed you installing more than bookmarking.)
If you are using Google Chrome, please choose "Add to Homescreen" (or "Add to desktop..." in PC) from menu, then from the next time you can open this site like an independent app from your home screen (or desktop).
If you install this site by the above way, you can uninstall it by just removing the icon from your home screen (or desktop).
About this app
This app is made by @Azicore. Please contact me if you find a bug etc.